Saturday, September 25, 2010

Happy 1st Birthday, Easton!

Well my baby is no longer considered a baby anymore, or so "they" say. He's a toddler and he is now 1! Well, he will always be my baby. :) He is walking and babbling, he says Mama, Dada, and Dog...and balloon, for some reason, is "Da". He has started at daycare now and is enjoying it! His babysitter is named Dolly and he seems to really love it there. I miss him terribly, yes, but I have to keep saying to myself, this is only until the Summer, when I get to spend tons of time with my boys. And you know what? Getting back into a work routine isn't so hard, it's the time spent coaching soccer that is the worst right now. Sometimes 3 times a week I am home just past 6, and I leave at 7 in the morning. 11 hours a day away from home is not for me.

I can't believe it has been a year since Easton was born - and approaching 2 years since I found out I was pregnant! Time really does fly - especially when you get older. :) Here is a picture of my little baby when he was born, and a picture of him now. He makes my heart melt. :)

We had a little celebration, just us, on Easton's actual birthday. We had a delicious cake and Easton enjoyed his first taste of birthday cake! Yum!!

We also recently had a party to celebrate his first birthday, and we had a bunch of family over. There was me and Gary, Calder, Grandma and Auntie Colleen, Great-Grandma, Avo and Grandpa, Aunt Frances and Uncle John, Aunt Cathy, Uncle Walter and cousins Peter and Olivia. We had a lovely sandwich buffet, as well as BBQ Portuguese sausage and sardines, it was a feast! For dessert, I made monkey cupcakes for my littlest monkey. It was a great day, a day to celebrate the birth of my youngest son. I love you Easton, I am so glad you are in my life. Thank you for blessing me with your presence!

    Easton's Birthday - September 16th, 2010

    Easton's 1st Birthday Party

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Happy 4th Birthday, Calder!!

This past Tuesday we celebrated my first born son's 4th birthday. It's hard to believe that almost 5 years ago I found out I was pregnant with him, and now, here he is, on the cusp of being a Kindergartener!

Here's a picture of my baby the day he was born:

And here he is now, such a big boy!

To celebrate his birthday, we had a race-car themed party. He had some friends from the nieghbourhood over, as well as family friends and cousins. Not to mention parents! This all made for a very busy and wonderful party! There was a pit stop for food and 'fuel' (aka juice), a pin-the-number-on-the-race-car game (like pin the tail on the donkey), racing games, and a pinata. We had a beautiful day for it, albeit a bit hot, but our backyard was the perfect setting for it.

For Calder's actual birthday, we went out to 'The Tomato Restaurant' (aka East Side Mario's) where we enjoyed some yummy pasta. For dessert, Gary and I shared a piece of chocolate cheesecake and Calder had a trio of mini ice cream cones. We arranged for the servers to come over and sing Calder Happy Birthday and he was all shy. At home, Easton gave Calder a present - a Lego Camper (Mom and Dad already gave him a Big Flyer bike).


Easton & Auntie Colleen

Calder & Grandma

Easton, Calder & Avo

Calder making a birthday wish

Icing on the car - YUM!

My friend Joanna and I - with Easton

Calder examining a birthday present

Wow! A Hot Wheels Colour Shifter!

Out for Calder`s Birthday Dinner!

Daddy and the Birthday Boy

Getting a present from his little brother

Excited to get LEGO!

It was a wonderful few days, celebrating the birth of my first baby boy. Mommy loves you with all my heart, Calder! For Eternity!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Time away from it all in St. Jacob's

We finally went on a trip as a family this Summer - our first trip overnight anywhere since Calder was 10 months old. That meant it was Easton's first trip, too!

We decided to go to St. Jacob's - to visit the Farmer's Market, go to the Outlet Mall, and take a horse-drawn trolley tour of a Mennonite Farm. Calder loves to go to farms, so we thought that he would enjoy that.

Our stay started after quite a long journey. Even though it's supposed to take only 1.5 hours to St. Jacob's, it took us 3 hours, thanks to some guy, trying to escape the Police, who thought it wise to go the wrong way on the highway. This effectively shut down the express lanes for some time, creating a nice traffic jam. :)

Once we got to the hotel, we relaxed for a little while, and Calder explored the room. He was intrigued and excited that there was a TV in the room - something he says he 'always' wanted in his bedroom. If you ask him now, he might just say that was the best part about the trip. Kids. :)

We went out for dinner at a lovely little restaurant called the Stone Crock Restaurant. A great place to go for comfort foods. Gary had the buffet, I enjoyed some delicious cabbage rolls, Calder a Pogo stick and fries, and Easton ate what Gary and I were eating.

After dinner we wandered over to the St. Jacob's outlet mall, which was pretty much deserted on a Friday night. We went into the Lego store, and Calder loved it! It wasn't just a store, a large portion of the space was designated to building your own lego creations as well as display of huge, wonderful Lego sculptures. Wow, some people are so talented, but they also have a lot of time on their hands. ;)

That night Gary and Calder took a trip to the oversized Whirlpool, and off we went to bed, ready to start our journey the next day.

The next day we took a trip to the market...I have been there once or twice before, but I don't remember it being that crowded. It certainly has been hit with the commercial bug, but it's still nice to see what you expect to see at a Farmer's Market, like fresh, local fruits and veggies, home-baked goods, local honey, etc. From the market, we took the horse-drawn trolley tour to a local, working, Mennonite Farm.

The owner of the farm was only about 35-40 years old, already had 5 kids (and likely would have more), and owned 160 acres of land. This land had been passed down from generation to generation for SEVEN generations. 7!! What lovely history to have like that. The family that owned the farm were 'old-order' Mennonites, meaning that their lifestyle is accomplished much in part by using limited technology. They use a black horse and buggy to get to and from places, they do not purchase items for consumption or use (for the most part) from commercialized stores - we were told they have their own 'stores' within the community to purchase what they need - such as fabrics to make clothing. They have their own schools, but often school is only completed until Grade 8. They do not accept any sort of health care from the government, preferring to pay with cash should the need for care arise.

Part of me is really drawn to this lifestyle. It's the same part of me that is drawn to Pioneer times - I know that times can be tough, being self-sufficient, not using a car to get places, etc...but the simplicity I think is something that I sometimes crave. For that short time, in St. Jacob's, I almost felt like I could get away from it all. Escape the hustle and bustle of 'real' life and imagine what it would be like to have a simple, but happy life not dependent on commercialism or making money.

We ended our time in St. Jacob's later that day, and went home weary from our whirlwind family vacation. It was a fun time, and I look forward to the day when we can explore a new destination together as a family again.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Pictures I Love

Here are some pictures taken of the boys over the last two months or so that I just love, for various reasons. I love my sons with all of my being.