Today we spent a lovely afternoon at Pickering Museum. It's just a hop, skip and a jump away from where we live and we have wanted to go there for a long time, and admission was free, so we figured Let's Go!!! :) There was pumpkin carving, horse and cart rides, yummy pioneer food samples to try and a BBQ. We had lots of fun. It's not as big as Black Creek Pioneer Village, but it's definitely quaint and has some lovely old buildings (anyone who knows us well knows we love that kind of stuff)! Calder enjoyed walking around, but a lot of the time, he just wanted to stay in Daddy's arms as we explored the buildings. It was while we were eating the BBQ and some cobs of corn that he wanted to move and explore. EXCEPT for when he got hold of one of the cobs - he loves corn! All in all, it was a lovely Fall day. A little warm for Fall, but it was beautiful nonetheless.
Calder - a little unsure now that he is not in Daddy's arms...

Daddy and Calder.

Inside one of the houses in the Village.

One of the lovely old houses at Pickering Museum.

Calder on the move.

Calder sat down long enough to allow me to have a photo taken of us!
Just his cute face. :)
As you can see, Calder thoroughly enjoys his corn on the cob!! Yum!