Monday, December 22, 2008

Merry Christmas to All!

Here is Calder's annual photo with Santa. I think waiting in line (almost an hour, might I add!) was more havoc to my nerves than to Calder, as he fairly ran to Santa when it was his turn. Taking a picture where he smiled, AND looked at the camera proved to be more difficult. However, I still think my little boy looks absolutely adorable in this picture.

If I don't get to post any more Christmassy pictures over the next day or two - I hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas!!!!

Monday, December 1, 2008

School Pictures

Calder's Dad FINALLY posts again. And this is a great post, more for the images than the words.

I love my little boy.

He is just so wonderful. So smart.

I can't believe we already have school pictures.

This little boy is very excited about Santa Claus. I am sure that Santa will be very good to him.

Daddy loves you Calder!