So in this new house we've put our dog's food and water bowl in a different spot. Before it used to be in the laundry room, and we were able to close the door so that baby couldn't get to it (also because there was a step down and baby already fell from that once, ouch). Now it is out in the open, by the back patio door and Easton finds it irresistible, let me tell you. Dipping his hand into water, picking up kibble. I have to watch him like a hawk, but that's one of the things about having children, isn't it? Eyes in the back of your head?
Well today I didn't get to him in time - I'm pretty sure he swallowed a piece of kibble. I know I scooped one out, but it seemed as though he found them pretty savoury! This afternoon he's enjoying splashing in the water bowl as though it's a tiny bath, every chance he gets. Ah, kids and dogs.
In other news, not so much going on here. We're on the hunt for daycare for Easton and there's not much out there. So I went with Wee Watch (, a company that oversees daycare providers, and does spot checks etc. on them. We had an interview today with a woman who is starting up her first daycare in September. She's literally a 2 minute drive away from us, so the location is ideal. She is also going to be taking care of another little boy who will also be 1 in September. Score! At least Easton will have someone his age to play with. I have a couple of other interviews lined up, I will let you know how they go! The only thing I am worried about is the cost of Wee Watch. They charge a higher rate, take a cut, then give the providers their pay, so it tends to be a bit higher. But there's something to be said for a daycare close to home and one that is governed by an agency, I think.
Anyway, here are some pictures to tide you over of my beloved boys. Enjoy!