It's been a long time since I have updated this blog, and my wife has been asking to take over the reins in situations like this. So, being the typical guy that I am,

even though I am home sick from work for the third time in a week, I dragged myself to the computer to do something before my wife takes over. For those of you in Canada, think about that marinade commercial where the dad comes home to find that the family started the BBQ because he was late and you'll get a taste of this feeling. Enough about me though, it's supposed to be about Calder. Oh wait, it's actually about life with Calder, so I guess that includes other people. And there has been plenty of other people in the last few weeks. Calder is a semi-tourist attraction. Before we had him, visitors were few and not often, now we see lots of people and he is bringing people together in a big way.

How could anyone resist being away from this anyways? He's just so darn cute! He got this on New Year's Day when we went for breakfast with Denny, Alicia and Norah. This outfit was a gift from Alicia's parents Bonni and Bill, thank you! Breakfast was great and it was nice to see our friends again, and extra nice to see Norah and Calder interact. It'll be even more interesting when he begins to walk and speak. Our hands will be full!

My best man and his girlfriend came over later that week bearing gifts for Calder as well. No pictures of those yet! I had a laugh seeing Wai playing with Calder. He gets tons of practice with his own nieces and nephews, but I wonder if Ida was picturing him in the future with their children.
An update on Calder, he's been growing a whole lot, weighing well over 16 pounds now and so strong. His personality is starting to show up more and more. He fights his bedtime (at night and even for naps) so much that he ends up

tiring himself out so much that he passes off to sleep in spite of himself. We also found out last night that he can roll over in his sleep to his stomach, much to the dismay of my wife who found him squirming in a faceplant in his crib. He was able to breathe, just frustrated that he contorted himself how he did; drifting from one end of the crib to the other, moving from feet to head to head to feet, and even using the siderails of his crib for leverage in flipping and flopping through the night. Maybe he's the re-incarnation of some gymnast. I guess this tent play area is his training ground. He loves his time in the tent.

The really adventure right now is that he has started eating rice cereal. We got him a high chair and he seems to really like being close to us while we eat, and especially loves his turn to eat. Over the weekend I got the privilege of feeding him like this for the first time. My wife feeds him the cereal just once a day right now until his stomach matures a bit more. Since she usually feeds him this cereal during his mid-morning meal, I tend to miss it because I am at work. This weekend though, I had a joyful time feeding him. The feeling is beyond words for me. Seeing his smiling face looking at me as I spooned up some cereal and then seeing the excitement in his body with his legs and arms flaying and his mouth opening up wide in anticipation, is just incredible. I love it! This picture was one my wife took of him after he ate his whole portion of cereal and seemed to want even more.
Goodnight Calder, Daddy loves you!
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