Monday, July 9, 2007

Calder's 10 month picture

I've had this picture for about a week, and I apologize for not posting it yet. So, without further ado, here is Calder's 10 month picture. I may sound like a broken record, but with each month he is beginning to look more and more like a little boy and not a baby anymore. :(

Yesterday since it was so hot and humid out we decided to go to Calder's Avo's and Grandpa's pool for a swim. Calder and Daddy had a fun time in the pool together! This was only Calder's 2nd time in the pool, but he seems to love water.

Have a great week, everyone!


  1. What a big boy he is, Elizabeth! Look at him standing on his own in the picture and everything. How awesome!

    It looks like he enjoyed the pool as well - so refreshing! :)

    Hope you're doing well!

  2. I LOVE his new pic - I have showed it off to everyone at work and then some!! Love you Calder xoxox Love Grandma
