This picture is from when we decided to wash the car on a beautiful day in April - Calder loved all the bubbles and helped Gary and I wash the car. He also decided that Daddy's scooter and his bike needed a wash, too.
I just love this picture of Calder - he looks so sweet (well, of course he IS sweet)!
I also love this picture of Calder. If you notice the shirt he is wearing, it is a Hockey t-shirt with a Maple leaf on it. I just got this for him not too long ago, but now he chooses to wear it every chance he can get (that's right, Calder now picks out his own clothes). You'll see in some other pictures he is wearing it - but it's a completely different day.
My Birthday
For my actual birthday, I sang in the Faculty Choir at school - it was the evening of our Spring Concert. Not what I would have chosen as a way to spend my birthday evening, especially after a day of work, but I had no choice. Gary and Calder did come to visit me and we went out to dinner beforehand and then they came to the concert. I was only to sing two songs - but as soon as Calder saw me from the audience, he started yelling "Mama"! Gary had to take him out of the theatre and they never saw me sing. Oh well. :)
That following Saturday I celebrated my birthday with family and some family friends. We went to Moxie's - I like their menu - and this location recently underwent some renovations and it was very beautiful! I had a lovely evening, it was very memorable! We took Calder with us - and while it didn't necessarily make for a relaxing evening, I wouldn't have it any other way - besides - there were lots of people to share taking care of him!! :) I must say that Calder did an AMAZING job for being in the restaurant for 2 1/2 hours.
Mommy & Calder
Daddy, Mommy & Calder - our little family
Auntie Colleen & Dave
Daddy & Calder
Gary & I
Colleen & Leila
Wendy and Mom
Mom, myself & Colleen
Yesterday I made chocolate chip cookies and Calder loved it nice and warm, right out of the oven. Of course, that meant a VERY chocolatey face!! :)
Later, after his face was cleaned - he graced me with a happy face. :) This picture was taken using the self-timer - it was timed to take 5 successive shots - and Calder thought it was so funny to have all the beeping then a flash. It gave me a great picture!!
Well, thanks for looking and reading, everyone! As always, I will try not to take so long to get pictures posted again, although I will not promise anything just yet! I am nearing the end of school and report cards and assessments are now upon me. I am really looking forward to the end of June, and the start of my Summer with Calder. It's going to be so much fun!!
I LOVE your hair! I think it looks fantastic!
ReplyDeleteOk, I know I'm supposed to be making a comment about Calder but I always seem to say the same thing so I thought if I made a comment about your hair...that would be ok :)
Calder - you are becoming quite the little man. You have such a beautiful smile; you're going to be a heartbreaker!
Hello! Great photos Liz! I love hearing about Calder's day to day adventures and seeing all the proof through the pictures...!
ReplyDeleteI love my little Calder, and it is amazing how much he is changing on a day to day basis...he is really growing up to be a wonderful little boy- so smart, so attentive, and very loving... I love you Calder!
Auntie Colleen xoxoxox
Fantastic shots Elizabeth - Again, that night at Moxie's you WERE the epitomy of GLAMOUR!!! - Calder is lucky to have such a beautiful MOM - He never fails in any of those pictures to incite some emotion! - LOVE YOU ELIZABETH, LOVE YOU CALDER XOXOXO