Calder and I have been busy as usual this week - and the weeks are speeding by even more as I approach the time when I go back to work. It's funny, when I worked the summer would seemingly stretch in front of me, now - it's a blink of an eye. Yuck. I don't like thinking about Calder going to daycare, but I know it must be done.
I have found a very nice woman to take care of Calder - a home daycare - and I feel very comfortable leaving him there with her - although I know the first few weeks will be hard for me to be at work every day looking after and teaching other people's children. Calder has kind of been getting used to a daycare setting about 3x a week when I go to the gym - this week I did 3 classes of Aquafit - and Calder would spend the hour in the Rec centre daycare. Before he used to cry for ages, and today I come back and he is happily crawling around and exploring. Yay!
Anyway, enough of that talk! :) Calder and I finished our 12 week session of Salsa Babies this past Tuesday and I was kind of sad about it - Calder has such fun in that class and although I am sure I will forget all of the salsa steps I have learned, it was fun while it lasted. Here are a few pics of the last class - there were only 5 of us in attendance - I think summer has lured the 8 other moms away.
Here is also a little camera video of Calder using his walker. He uses it every day now and is becoming quite the fast walker with it. EXCEPT when he runs into a wall or table or something. Steering is something we'll tackle later. :) Sorry it's so dark - I have all the blinds open usually in the day, but it still doesn't seem to provide enough light for the video.
Have a great weekend, everyone!
It's been 12 weeks since you started your Salsa Babies class? Where did THAT time go???
ReplyDeleteI'm glad to hear you've found a daycare provider that you're comfortable with. That must be a huge weight off your chest now - one less thing to worry about. I can't believe I go back to work in 8 weeks...I know they're going to fly by because the last 44 certainly have!
I love the video of Calder walking with his toy. How cute is that? Pretty soon he'll be walking everywhere without that :)
How's the sod holding up in this heat? I remember when we got ours and were watering it all the time - our water bill was brutal! It was funny to look at the chart of consumption - the months before were normal and then you could totally tell the month we got our sod! ha ha Thankfully Ron isn't as anal about his grass anymore because it takes too long to water it. We don't have a sprinkler big enough to water the whole back yard so you have to keep going out and moving them (yup, we have 3) all around.
Ok, I should have just emailed you apparently! lol Anyway, I hope everything else is going well with you guys! Enjoy this great weather!
Hey!! It's good to hear things are going well! Sorry to hear about you having to go back to work.... About that home daycare, we may need to have a chat about that as we will be needing one in about 1 1/2 years (not necessarily full time, but I have had this on my mind a lot). I'm glad you took the road before us, so now we can glean all the information from you! Woot!