Friday, August 31, 2007

Happy Birthday, Calder, my love!

One year ago exactly, as I write this post, I was in labour with Calder. Labour was already about 13 hours and I was getting tired and worried, as things weren't progressing well. Soon after this time, my Doctor made the call that a Cesarean section would be the only route available to me now, and of course, I took it. Anything to see my baby, the little baby that had for so long kicked and punched me inside and hiccoughed very day.

At 11:59 am, Calder was born into this world. It was the happiest moment of my life when I was told "it's a boy!!!" I could cry now about that moment, but I am at work, so I think I'll leave it for now. :)

My wish for Calder today, just like on his Birth day, is that I hope he will be happy. That's it - I know it's pretty simple - but I want him to be happy in the choices that he makes in his life, with career, life and love. He is already such a happy boy - and I hope he stays that way. I love you so much, Calder. Words cannot express how much I love this little man that came into our lives one year ago. Gary and I were blessed a million times over.

Happy Birthday, my little munchkin!


  1. Happy Birthday Calder,

    We can't wait to do something special with you next year on your birthday. You have brought your mommy and daddy and so many others so much happiness and love.

    Lots of love and hugs,

    Tracy and Parker

  2. Dear Calder - I was with you today - one day after your real birthday - I believe you have already given your Momma & Daddy their wish - because I have never seen such a happy soul as you! I am crying now - just because you make Grandma so happy to be with you - nothing else in the world matters when I look at your beautiful face - Happy 1st Birthday again my little love, my Grandson! Much much Love Grandma! xoxoxox
