Well Calder, Mommy and Daddy had such a fun time on Hallowe'en night. We visited a couple of neighbours (and by a couple I mean 2) and had fun outside on our porch and the front yard, handing out candies to Trick-or-Treaters. Calder also had fun brmm-brmming around the sidewalk on his Red Rocket trike. Here are some pictures of our Hallowe'en!
One of my students took this picture of me in my classroom!

Calder had fun investigating while Mommy carved the pumpkin. He still thinks the pumpkin is a ball of some sort, but we'll get there!

I wanted a nice picture of the two of us, but Calder would have nothing of it.

Would a cat and monkey get along in real life? This pair does!!!!!
Calder - doesn't your Momma look beautiful as a cat!! - Elizabeth you looked great - you and Calder looked so cute too!! Now, onward and forward to Christmas! Can you believe it - decorations everywhere! Love you Calder, and your Momma too! xoxoxox