Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Happy Hallowe'en!!

Well I am posting this now because I won't have time to post one tomorrow, and most of you will see this on Hallowe'en day, anyway! I just did a 'photo shoot' with Calder on our front porch in his costume, and boy, is he a cute little monkey! He just makes my heart happy all the time. I hope everyone has a wonderful Hallowe'en, whether you are out with your kids, handing out candy - or whatever you may do!

1 comment:

  1. Calder - you are the cutest little monkey I've EVER seen! You are soooooooooooo cute in your costume - are you sure it's a costume? Hmmmmmm - it makes Grandma think twice! I wish I could be there with you on All Hallow's Eve! Happy Haunting! I Love You, Love Grandma xoxoxoxoxox
