Tuesday, October 9, 2007


Thanksgiving tends to be the time that we reflect on what we are thankful for - but I try to make it a practice more often than that. I remember Oprah started this thing a few years back where she had a 'grateful journal'. I started one for a while and then stopped. But I think I might start it up again, just so I don't start taking it for granted. I think that is one of life's sad stories when someone takes their life and all that it is about, for granted.

Gary and I definitely have a lot of things to be thankful for. We have a beautiful (inside and out) son who is healthy, we have a house and a car, and two good jobs, we have family that loves us to pieces. We have friends. Gary and I have our health (for the most part - but anyone who knows us knows that the past little while we've each struggled with that) and we have a (most of the time) good dog. We have all the accoutrements of life that we need - we're able to go out every once in a while for a meal. No, we're not able to take a trip abroad, or even eat out every week, and our bedroom still has just a bed and two nightstands in it - but is that what makes us happy? No. What makes me happy is health of all whom I love and being able to love and being loved. I think without those things my soul would surely wither away to nothing.

Life throws stuff at us all the time, good and bad, and you have to try to roll with the punches. Although we may never win the lottery or get the house of our dreams, or be a 2-car family, at least we'll have each other and our beautiful son. That should be enough to make anyone happy. It's enough to make me thankful for what I have.

1 comment:

  1. Oh so true my lovely daughter - we all must strive to develop, nurture and embrace an attitude of gratitude. Well said, my sweet! I LOVE YOU, Love Mom xoxox
