We ended up at a Farm that we went to last year when Calder was just about 6-7 weeks old. Of course, he knew nothing of what was going on, but we couldn't wait till this year to show him the Farm again. Here we are already, and what a difference a year makes in the life of a child. Calder had an amazing time at the Farm - checking out all kinds of farm animals - ponies, cows, chickens and pigs. We also had lots of fun running through a corn maze and picking out a pie pumpkin (nice and small) just for Calder. It was a lovely day, albeit a bit cold - but I would rather it be fall-like weather than last weekend's scorcher.
On our way to the farm....I can't tell if Calder is pleased or not...
Daddy and Calder coming in to the Farm. Calder was already so excited!
It took about 5 shots to finally get Calder to look at the camera in this picture. There were so many things for him to look at!
Mommy and Calder walking through the corn maze...with Calder leading the way!
When Calder sat himself down on a haystack, I just had to take a picture.
Calder's Avo also came for a visit on the weekend. She came over Saturday and stayed overnight to give Gary and I a much-needed date night! We went out for all you can eat sushi and had a lovely time, although we were quite stuffed coming home!
Today (Sunday) we all went out for a trip to the park down the street which was recently finished. There are more things for a toddler to do in this park than in the other local one, and Calder loves it already. He especially loves swings...he gets quite upset if we pass the park without going in! Here are some pictures of our time at the park!
Calder and his Avo walking down our street to the park.
Calder just loves swings. Also, doesn't he look cute in his new hat??? I love it!
Calder being the cute little monkey that he is.
He loves the "car" wheel in the playground. Just imagine him making car noises while he "steers" it. :)
We had a lovely Fall weekend - we hope that everyone else did as well, and may your week speed by quickly!
Calder - I wish Grandma could have been with you at that Farm - what fun with the pumpkins! I love your picture of you sitting on the haystack - you are soooooooo cute! It certainly sounds like you had a fun morning with Mommy and Daddy!! Love Grandma xoxoxoxox