Here are some pictures from Calder's Grandpa's birthday celebration last Saturday. Calder had such a fun time!
He couldn't wait for dinner, so he had a little snack of a banana with Avo.
Checking himself out in the mirror. It was so cute - he was waving to the reflection.
His cousin Peter put on a Dora game and Calder had a BLAST!! Doh!!!!!! (Calder-speak for Dora) If Calder could say thank-you, he'd say, Thank you cousin Peter!!
Blowing out the candles on Grandpa's cake with Grandpa and cousins Peter and Olivia.
Last Sunday we put up our Christmas tree and I just had to snap a picture of Calder and Daddy together. I have to be quick these days, as Calder moves so much and is apt to not smile if I don't get it on the fly, so forgive the photo! They're not centered!
On Sunday we also went to a Marlies game at the Ricoh Centre. It was Gary, myself, Calder and Calder's Uncle Walter and cousin Peter. This was a joint birthday gift to Peter and Walter. Calder, as some of you may know, loves hockey already, and he had such a fun time at the game. I was so proud of him - he hardly fussed at all. Sometimes I had to walk him around, but he did a great job behaving!! Here is Gary and Calder watching the players skate on the ice before the start of the game. Calder was fascinated.
Here is Mommy and Calder in out seats. :)
Last, but not least, we went to the mall today to get a picture taken with Santa. we waited quite a while - Santa was very busy visiting with children today - but got to see him. :) Calder was tired, he hadn't had a nap at that point, and cried out at first when he was plopped on Santa's lap - but was quickly distracted by some jingling bells by the photographer. I think the photo turned out wonderfully. This photo is from the Photo CD we bought - and I was expecting it to have the neat border on it that the actual photos do, but it doesn't. It's still beautiful nonetheless. :) It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!!!

Calder - I can't believe what a big boy you look sitting on Santa's knee - It makes me cry and that's what I'm doing as I write this - you make me so happy I cry! - what a lovely picture - what a difference from last year! - I can't wait to see you - Love Grandma xoxoxox