I hope everyone is having a wonderful week.
Hey Mom, I'm just hanging out by the fridge....hmmm..whatcha got there for me? Anything?

Calder loves to climb on the couch now - and peeking over the couch is lots of fun! He just doesn't know yet that he can FALL over the arm of the couch. We have to watch him carefully!

Calder has recently discovered how to put on hats (well, for the most part) and found my hat the other day. This is the result!!

Calder already loves hockey (thanks to Daddy - oh and we also went to a Marlies game last weekend!) and loves playing a hockey game online. When he gets a goal, he raises his hands in the air - "score!"

Love the picture of when he "scored" on the hockey game - My God - I never tire of how wonderfully cute he is!!! Love Grandma xoxoxoxoxoxox