Sunday, March 30, 2008

The Month of March

I apologize for not putting up pictures for the month of March, but frankly, I just didn't feel like it! March was very busy - so forgive the number of photos, but I just want everyone to be updated on the goings-on in the life of Calder. Everything revolves around him!

Calder helping Daddy put up Crown Moulding. He loves the ladder!

I couldn't resist this jersey for him when I saw it! Da!!!!!!!!

Uh-oh!! Here's what happens when Calder gets exuberant with a box of Alpha Bits. He loves saying all the letters he knows!

Calder and his Avo on a recent visit.

Calder loves loves loves Freezies. We started giving him them when he was teething badly, now he wants them all the time. Sometimes it's the first thing he asks for in the morning. Beeeee!! (is what he says)

Our finished Crown moulding (ok, we just have a few touch-ups left). Great work, Gary!!!

My Grandmother at her 93rd birthday celebration. Doesn't she look just beautiful! I hope I can look as good as her at 93, and have lived such a happy life as hers.

My sister Colleen and her boyfriend, Dave in a candid moment. She's going to kill me for putting this picture up, but Colleen - I think it's stunning! This was taken at my Grandma's party.

Also at my Grandma's party - another great example of beauty, my Mother!

Gary and Calder at my Grandma's party enjoying the yummy cake! Calder kept going back and forth to eat cake - Mommy, Daddy, Mommy, Daddy.

Gary's birthday was March 12th and to celebrate, we went out for breakfast at the Station Grill here in Ajax. What a yummy breakfast! Calder loves drinking like a big boy out of a cup with a straw.

Is he not adorable?

Calder playing Daddy's Soccer game on Gary's birthday. Calder calls Soccer "Doc". He's actually scored a few goals, if you can believe it!

Just look at that intensity.

Goooooooooooooaaaaaaallllllllllllllllllll! (well I don't know if it was a goal, but he sure was excited about something in the soccer game!)

Just another cute picture.

Calder helping out Daddy blow out the birthday candles on his cake. Mommy was a bad wife and bought Daddy the wrong cake from DQ but at least this picture is nice.

Just love the looks that Calder has. He has so many expressions.

We recently went to one of Calder's cousin's hockey games. Calder just loves Peter "Peeee" as he says - and Calder loves hockey. What a great combination!!

Here's a couple of pics of Gary and Calder having some fun!

Calder still loves Guitar Heroes - more specifically, he loves the guitar more. He calls the Guitar "gar".

Here is Calder at his Grandma's for Easter Dinner. He looks like such a little boy here!

Calder giving Colleen's boyfriend Dave "Five".

Mommy and Calder horsing around. What a cutie patootie. (Him, not me)

Calder's never really had much chocolate before this. A chocolate chip cookie here or there, but never plain, unadorned chocolate. After his Easter Egg hunt he dove into an egg - he loved it so much!!

Calder, as always, being such a good boy on the road to Avo and Grandpa's for Easter Sunday dinner.
Yet another cute picture of such a cute face!

I took some shots just this morning of Calder and Daddy at the computer. I love this picture because Gary looks so happy here. This one is going in my scrapbook for sure.

We are truly blessed to have such a happy child - I hope he forever holds on to it!

I read a post somewhere where someone said something so beautiful about their child. It holds so true for so many parents, I am sure. I know that I think it, too.

Calder is my heart outside of my body.