Sunday, July 27, 2008

More pictures!!

We've had a busy couple of weeks and what time with Calder would be complete without pictures!! Enjoy!


Calder looks like such a little boy here, and his eyes look so beautiful! :)

Calder doesn't like to wear sunglasses as a rule, but he makes exceptions sometimes.

I went to a wedding shower recently for the fiancee of my cousin, Brendan. My cousin, Erin (his sister), was the host - and a fabulous one at that! There was plenty of scrumptious food and fun times. She sent me home with a cupcake for Calder and he didn't waste time with it. Here's how he chose to eat it!

Our little drummer boy

Gary, Calder and I went to the zoo not too long ago when Gary had a week off of work and we had a great time together. Here's a picture of Calder and I, not too long before the batteries died. (My fault hee hee)

Calder's Avo came to stay at our place to look after Calder while Gary and I went to a wedding reception for our friends Wai and Ida. Calder had a great time with his Avo when we picked her up at the train station!

Although Gary and I were to attend the wedding reception on our own, Calder had been invited to be the ring boy at the wedding. It was such an honour for them to ask us if Calder could be a part of it. He looks so handsome in his little suit!

Calder and I in the church. Calder did a wonderful job walking down the aisle!

The happy couple, Wai-Hong and Ida

Calder actually stood with the whole wedding party and family members for some photos - I am so proud of him! He was a little confused at what was going on, but he stayed there!

A picture of Calder and the Flower Girl

At the reception, our first night out as 'adults' in a long while!

Today we took Gary's mom to the Lake to see Calder in action - throwing rocks, something he loves to do! Here we are, our little family!

Throwing rocks with Daddy!

I hope everyone is doing well and as always, enjoying their summer! :)

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Our Summer so far...

These pictures don't even begin to cover the number of pictures taken (Thank God for Digital cameras, otherwise I would be poor for all the developing I would have to do) and it doesn't even cover what we have done so far this summer, either. In addition to all of this, we have had two visits from Calder's Grandma, a visit from his Auntie Colleen, and a trip to the Zoo. Yesterday we went to the Lake and had a fun time throwing rocks in the water. :)
I apologize in advance for the weird spacing in this blog - no matter how much I try to fix it, it keeps changing back to large and weird spacing.

This is a picture of Calder sitting sooo nicely for me!! This was taken during a visit from his Avo and Grandpa - Gary cooked a Portuguese meal for us - Barbequed Sardines - yummy! :)

Calder and his Avo

Calder and Grandpa

Calder goes through phases of liking toys. Recently, he began to like this piano again and I often find myself bringing it down to the Family room, as per Calder's request "Bing"(his word for 'bring').
Calder wanted to try on my Sunglasses. What a cutie!! I think he's going to have a big head - they actually fit him quite well! :)

A great shot of Calder and his Daddy

Just a picture of my cutie.

Ask Calder to say 'cheese' for the camera, and this is what you sometimes get.

Calder and his Daddy recently took a trip to the Hockey Hall of Fame while Mommy got some much-appreciated and much-needed time with her sister. Calder had a blast, until, according to Gary, he saw all the goalie masks...he was a little scared of them. Oh well, he's not going to be a Goalie anyway, he'll be a Captain! :) Here is a picture of Calder and Gary in front of the Stanley Cup.

Here's a picture of the Calder Trophy - there is also the Calder cup...yes, Calder's namesake, even though I found the name in a Baby Name book. :p I don't care where it came from, I love Calder's name!!

Here's Calder pointing to his Future Team's Jersey - the Leafs!
Here's a Jersey that Gary was a bit astonished to find - Portugal!

On the way home, a moment of reflection on the Go Train.

Calder loves travelling on the Go train.

A picture of my baby and I. I love him so much it hurts.

Calder loves rice crackers - he is fanatical for them - "Cacker" he calls them.

Tonight Gary and I had a yummy Steak BBQ - our 2nd one in 2 years, I think we were due. Gary was in the mood for MEAT!

Calder sat pretty nicely at the table although he didn't eat any of the food. Well, he tried it, but he quickly spit it out. *sigh*

Gary throwing Calder way up high - Calder loved it.

We got a little pool for Calder today, since he seems to love water so much. He's come a long way from going to the washroom in the bath when he was just born. ;)

I hope everyone's having a wonderful summer. I may not be going away, or even leaving my city that much, but I am enjoying every minute that I do not have to work, and every minute that I get to spend with my son, no matter what we do!!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

This Blog is for Brenda (aka June pictures)

This blog is for Brenda - a friend of my mom's who was complaining that I hadn't posted pictures since Victoria Day! Well excuuuuuuuuuuuuse me!! ;) (you know I'm just bugging you Brenda!)

In all seriousness, I've just been really busy with the last days of school - getting them (my students) ready for Graduation (yes, even from JK), finishing up reports, and packing up my classroom (I have to strip the room down to bare bones as our school turns into a camp in the summer). I've just been very tired from all of that - but now, here I am, done with school for another year, and on my summer vacation! Finally Calder is at home with me, and I know it will be a busy summer! I hope all of you have a wonderful summer, whether you go away (like I wish we were) or stay home (like we are)!! Here are some of my favourite pictures from June - I promise I will try my hardest to update the blog more regularly. :)

This is a picture of Calder quite mad at me (I forget why).

This is a picture of him 5 seconds later (literally) after I made a funny noise at him. This guy's moods change like the wind! :)

I just love this picture (as I do a lot of pictures of Calder, if not all!) but this one looks kinda artsy, don't ya think?

Here's Calder totally enthralled by his Dad making noises with a bottle (you know the sound you can make blowing into the top). You can also see here how long his hair was getting!

This is Calder after his 2nd haircut this weekend. It went really well, he didn't even cry this time - he just fussed at the clippers - too noisy! He now looks like such a big boy...where did my baby go??????

We had an ice cream from the ice cream truck last week and when I asked Calder to 'show me your face' - this is what I got. What a cutie patootie. It's amazing to me how much he understands now.

Calder's Grandma came for a visit and a sleepover this past weekend into Monday - and they had a blast together! Here is a picture of Calder feeding Grandma popcorn - he just kept shoving it in her mouth and it was hilarious! Mom was having a laughing fit, as was I.

Calder managed to stop feeding his Grandma for a moment and grace me with a kind-of smile when I said 'cheese'! (he was saying 'cheese' if you can't tell, hee hee!)

Calder and Grandma earlier in the day. Calder was not into having his picture taken.

A picture I took of Calder earlier this month, sleeping like an angel. He loves books and fell asleep with this one, one of his favourites.

I hope everyone's summer is as joyous as Calder was in this picture, the first time we turned the sprinkler on for him. :) He loved it.

Happy Summer, everyone!