It's been a very busy week for Calder and his family. Calder had a lot of travelling to do lately. As much as his daddy can sleep through anything at night, Calder can sleep through any traffic jam in his carseat.
On Friday he made a quick visit to the doctor to check on his nasty diaper rash and then made a trip with his mommy and daddy to see his avó (grandmother). She was at St. Joseph's having surgery the morning before. His avó told ALL the nurses on her floor that Calder was coming to see her. His avó made sure she was being very strong so that she could enjoy Calder's visit. When Calder arrived all the nurses began to line-up to see Calder. Even other patients gave him a big smile and wave. His avó was very happy to see him and Calder missed her. If only he really understood how much his visit meant to her. We hope she gets stronger each day!

His avó was released from hospital on Sunday and Calder (and mom and dad) made a visit to her house on that day. By now his diaper rash was getting worse and more painful. But Calder was seeing that his avó was being strong, so he was too. He barely cried.
Then the family went to see Calder's great-grandmother. He's her third great-grandchild! The family had a great Thanksgiving meal (it was Canadian Thanksgiving Day) that his grandmother and aunt had made. Maybe next year he can try some of his grandmother's squash.
Calder has been irritated very much by an awful diaper rash. He is crying much of the time he is awake because of it and his mommy has been taking very good care of him, doing the best that she can to ease the pain and trying to get rid of the rash. It was suggested to us that Calder be given some "air time" without diapers to see if that helps the rash heal faster. So far, not really. Our dog Finn gets quite concerned about Calder because he hears Calder crying all the time and knows he is in pain. Finn can't do much for him, but he stays near Calder to comfort him in his own dog way. He's tried (and succeeded sometimes) kissing Calder (licking Calder's hands and face) but mom and dad are too quick to stop that until Calder is older.Calder and his parents would like to thank all the wonderful people (friends, family, friends of friends, co-workers, online buddies, etc) who have offered mom and dad with advice and a sounding board as we went through Calder's first (almost!) 6 weeks of life. Although it has been difficult, we feel very lucky to have a healthy boy (except the diaper rash) and such wonderful and caring people around us.
Hi Baby Calder,
ReplyDeleteI sure hope that you are feeling better very soon. I know how sore and painful diaper rashes can be. I know that your mommy and daddy will take good care of it and get it cleaned up in no time. I can't wait until the day that we can play together!
Baby Parker
Hi Calder
ReplyDeleteThanks for the birthday letter. I felt really good when I read and saw your pictures.
I will help you to learn how to build stuff with the really big pieces of mega blocks..the ones babies can't fit in their mouths.
I will also teach you how to play hockey when you are about 3 years old. I scored my first goal of the season last weekend against the second hardest team in my league.
Can't wait to see you at Olivia and my birthday party.