Tuesday, February 20, 2007

I would have loved this!

Growing up, I always loved miniature things and especially (even to this day!) secret places (let me tell you another day about the antique dresser I saw 4 years ago that I still obsess over).

Well this would have been one thing that I would have LOVED - in fact, do you think Gary will let me get it for this summer? It would fit nicely in our backyard....maybe even Calder will like it - as long as I don't make it too girly. :)
But seriously, it's ONLY $2,299.00 at Costco.ca!!!

Calder is still doing just amazing!! He's going gangbusters at trying to learn how to crawl - not there yet - but I know it will be soon! Here's a picture to tide you over until the next blog....

1 comment:

  1. It's too bad we don't live closer because our summer project could be to BUILD one of those! Yep, we could do it ourselves (seriously)! How fun would that be? And I bet we could do it for a fraction of the cost!

    Costco can be such an evil place, don't you think? It's bad when we go there - can't leave there without spending at least $100!

    Look at Calder sitting up all by himself! What a big boy! You are going to be super busy once he starts crawling (I'm thankful at this point Rachel has no desire to do so! lol)

    Have a great day!


