What is life, anyway? I am not trying to get all depressive here, because this is not the point of this post, but sometimes I stop and wonder. What is it? Some people think that life is life - that once it’s over, that’s all there is. I am more of the train of thought that thinks that life is a process that our souls go through in their journey to a higher state of being.

That we are here to learn something, or to go through something that our soul has to figure out still. I don’t think anyone ever really knows what their soul’s purpose is...but I think I know what my purpose in life is. I think it’s Calder. For whatever reason, I think he is the reason I was born. Perhaps he won’t be the next Prime Minister, or he won’t discover cancer or anything like that - but I think he will make a great contribution to life. Maybe not to the world, but he will make a great contribution, one day - to someone else’s life - even more than mine.
I know that I will learn, and have learned, a lot from Calder. I have learned patience, unconditional love - and what happiness is. I don't know where my soul will be in the future, but I think that it will be that much richer after Calder.
I hope you enjoyed my thought for the day - after all, this is a blog about Life with Calder.
5 months old already. Where has the time gone? I was just saying that the other day to Ron. I don't remember time flying by like this when I was a kid in school! lol
ReplyDeleteI wish we lived closer so Rachel & Calder could play together - I think they would have fun! It also appears that Calder could teach Rachel a thing or two. And in return, Rachel could teach Calder how to sleep. You would laugh at Rachel - when we put her down for a nap or for the night, we find her in the exact same position when she wakes up. All she will do is move her arms. You have a VERY busy boy on your hands :)
Have a great weekend!
Julie & Rachel xo