I don't really have much to say for this post, so just thought I would babble and post a few pictures. Gary already has a plan for a blog that he will do Saturday or Sunday, so look for another one then.
Calder and I had a busy week this week, starting with our Babyville group on Monday.

All the moms have become so comfortable with each other, we find it hard to stay on topic, and we tend to stray. The R.N. facilitator sometimes has to redirect us - but it is a lot of fun, and I really look forward each Monday to bringing Calder to this. He seems to enjoy himself, too - as it is a chance for him to meet other babies. It is the only time where he will sit for an hour and a half on my lap and rein in his active ways. We only have 2 more sessions, and I am feeling a little sad about that! It's been a good way to get out and meet other moms and babies - and - it was free!! I can't pass that up - there are so many great programmes out there for babies and Moms, but a lot of them are quite expensive. This one fit our budget just fine!
Aside from our usual jaunts to the Grocery markets and such this week, we also met up yesterday with a girl and her 2-month old baby from our Babyville group.

We went out for a Thai lunch (what a treat for me!) where Calder behaved FABULOUSLY and then we went to a 'Stars and Strollers' screening. For those of you not familiar with this, it is like Mommies and Babies showings in Toronto (if that is what it is called). Every other week at our local theatre (and alternating weeks other ones nearby) they show a newly-released film for all the moms (and dads, grandmas, caregivers - whoever wants to come!) and babies to see. Yesterday we went and saw 'Music & Lyrics' with Drew Barrymore and Hugh Grant. Let me tell you, I only went because I wanted to see a movie and I had a free pass. I first thought that I would never pay to see it - it looked way too silly for me.

But it was actually a very cute movie - I enjoyed it quite a bit! Calder enjoyed it, too - he was just awesome during the movie - I had such a great time. He had a bottle at the beginning of the movie, and then for the first hour watched the screen with me, smiling and babbling (I think he was impressed with the size of this 'big screen TV') and then, he drifted off to sleep nice and quietly, which was a treat for Mom, and slept for the second hour. Awesome! I definitely want to go again, and for $7.50 is a great way for me to get out with Calder. I told Gary that he should take a Thursday off one day and we'll all go together, I want him to see just how cute Calder is when looking at the movie screen!

Today we are going to go to our usual Friday fitness class. We only have a couple of those left, too. I am going to make sure to join another Mom and Baby fitness class starting in April, because this class has made me feel really good about myself and has also given me some different bonding time with Calder. It's so much fun doing push ups when you have Calder smiling and laughing up at you. :)
The only thing about another Mom and Baby class is that a lot of them are restricted to babies under 9 months of age. The problem with this is that during the sessions, Calder will turn 9 months and will continue on to 10 months of age, so technically, he will be too old for the class.

I will talk to my instructor about it today. The only other classes are Salsa Babies (which we don't have a proper carrier for) and a Stroller Fit class, which I think I will take. It starts in early April, and all the classes are along the Waterfront. What a great way to exercise - while taking in the view. I'm sure Calder will love it, too. There are other classes, too - but, they start for 1 year olds - and Calder will be too young. Oh well!
Anyway, I guess this turned into a long post - and I did have something to say after all! I hope everyone enjoys their Friday and weekend - I know I will.
Wow - you are so busy! I get tired just READING your posts! ha ha
ReplyDeleteSeriously though, I think it's great that you have those baby groups there. I tried the Books for Babies group at our local library and I almost went nuts! I have never been so far out of my "element" in my life. I only went to the one session - I just couldn't go back again. Rachel was only a month old at the time and I think that had a lot to do with it. She might enjoy it now - not sure I would! LOL
Calder has the cutest smile. I just love the pictures you post :)
Julie...and Rachel, too :)