Thursday, May 3, 2007

Calder's 8 month picture


  1. OH MY GOODNESS! What a little stud muffin you have!!!! It's a great picture of Calder - he's getting so tall and looking more and more like a 'little man'. *sniff,sniff* They grow up too quickly, don't they?

  2. What a beautiful picture Calder!!!! WOW! I have been going on the blog numerous times throughout the day all week to see if any new pictures have been posted...I am so happy to see his adorable and precious smiling face :) After the morning I have had...Calder just reminds me what is important in life. I love you sweetie...and I can't wait to see you on my Birthday. Just think my first birthday with my little nephew by my side!!

    Auntie Colleen xoxoxo

  3. Oh My Little Grandson! You are so adorable and cute - I LOVE your new picture! You are growing up so fast - You are a bright and shining star in our lives! Love Your Grandma xoxoxoxox

  4. Calder!!!!

    You look so cute. Can't wait to see you when we get home. Keep smiling and give mommy lots of hugs from us.


    Tracy and Parker

  5. What a gorgeous Boy!! i love this picture. It makes me happy to go online and read all about your growing boy, and see his progress. He sounds like a little piece of heaven. I hope to experience the joy that a little one brings someday. Cherish him every minute!!
