Monday, May 14, 2007

The Sustenance of Life - Moms and Food

Happy Belated Mother's Day to all the Moms out there, and all the Moms-to-be (because I know several right now!) - you always hear everyone say 'Being a Mother is the hardest job in the World' and I never doubted it, but I certainly didn't get to experience it until I became a mother myself. This past 8 1/2 months has been the most challenging but most rewarding time of my life. I only expect to meet with more challenges as Calder (and I) continue to grow, but I also expect to meet with more rewards as Calder shows me these rewards every day.

Here's the only picture I managed to get from my First Mother's Day, but it's a time that I love with Calder - after his bath and bottle in the evening, he usually passes out cuddled on my shoulder, and I just love it.

A special Happy Mother's Day (again) goes out to my Mom, Melanie. Without you, I don't know where I would be. I love you so very much. Enough said because you know what I mean and we don't need tears! :)

Today also marks a special anniversary - this would have been my Grandfather's 90th birthday. He was like my father growing up (I lived with him basically until I was 19) and I know a lot of how I am today is shaped by him - by his guidance and immense love. I miss him every day and I know that he would have just adored Calder, and Calder would have adored him. Happy Birthday, Grandpa!

On another note, about a week ago I discovered that Calder has another tooth! That makes the total 5 - he's been constantly teething since he got his first 2 at 6 months, and I am wondering if this is going to be the norm for him until his whole mouth is full of them!

Calder has also tried many different tastes lately - Baby Mum-Mums, Farley's biscuits (original and banana flavours), Cheerios and turkey. Omigosh, the turkey I bought in a jar just to see how he liked it (we don't cook turkey in our home) and it was horrible. It smelled horrible, and I couldn't even bring myself to taste it, poor Calder. After that experience and hearing from a friend how easy it is to make homemade soup (nope, never made it but my husband has) I asked Gary if he could make Calder some homemade chicken soup. He made some on Saturday with a lot of new flavours for Calder (it had celery, carrots, onion and garlic in it with pasta and chicken) and Calder loves it! It actually smells and tastes good! :)

I am trying to be less anal about what I feed Calder - I was so worried before about feeding him one new food at a time, but I think he is old enough now to handle something more complex like this soup. So far, so good! Last night he even tried Naan bread. It's so much more fun now that he is starting to eat the foods we eat - when I went out for sushi with him recently, he ate some of my rice! :) Simple pleasures, I know!


  1. Elizabeth - you ARE my life blood! Calder too! and that picture of Calder sleeping on your shoulder is beautiful....Yes, I knew today was My Dad's birthday - I can't believe that all of this time has gone by - he would have LOVED Calder and more! Love Mom xoxoxox

  2. I miss you both. See you soon. Calder, be good to mommy and Finn. I can't wait to get home

  3. Happy Belated Mother's Day, Elizabeth! I love the picture of you & Calder - so precious! At least you were smart to get a picture of you on Mother's Day - the thought never even crossed my mind! ha ha In fact, I didn't even blog about it. Sheesh - bad Mommy I am!
    Hope you're doing well - I think of you often!

  4. Well Calder, I miss you already sooo much after spending overnight with you, mommy and grandma! I can't believe how alert and smart you are...and of course how lovable you are too! I really enjoyed my visit with you...and I hope you enjoyed the company too :) Gary- the soup you made did smell delicious! I was feeding Calder yesterday and couldn't help but notice how great it smelled...he really really enjoyed it :) I love you Calder!

    Auntie Colleen xo
