Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Trying to stand by himself

Over the last couple of weeks Calder has become more steady on his feet without needing much external support. Well, over the last few days to a week we have seen leaps and bounds in this area and he is letting go of what he is holding on to, and is beginning to stand on his own. Yes, he's still a bit wobbly at times, but even this is getting better! We know walking will (most likely) come any day now....! Here's a digital camera video of him standing - he's done a bit longer, but this is a good one! So sorry that the picture is horizontal - I thought if you turned the camera that way to take a video the picture would turn out the same way - I was wrong! Anyway, enjoy!


  1. Calder! - I knew it wouldn't be too long before you were doing that!! I just wish that Grandma could see your video - I LOVE YOU so much! xoxox

  2. YAY Calder!!! OMG, that is so awesome! It won't be long now before Calder is RUNNING all over the place - how fun!! Just in time for summer!

    It's taken me a few times before I was able to see the video and then comment but I finally got through! YAY!

    Have a wonderful weekend & we'll blow kisses to you from the 401! LOL
