I love this onesie on him, it brings out the blue and the green in his eyes!

Monkey See, Monkey Do, Monkey Get in Trouble Too!
I don't know many people who can wear orange, and maybe it's because he has such wonderful unmarked baby skin, but I love him in orange!

My Mommy Loves Me
Calder was being Mr. Temper in this picture and had just thrown down the duck in a bit of a fit - this is his face when he's a little PO'd about something. Poor duck, he's in midair...what did he do?

So I took another picture of him when he was in a better mood. :)

Love this onesie on him - we are always zooming Calder around the house and in the stroller, saying "Zoom!" so maybe this will be his next word, lol.

Those are awesome onesies! I wish we had Target & Carter's in Canada. I mean, it's great that we can get some of Carter's clothes here but it's still not the same as a whole store of clothes :)
ReplyDeleteI think Calder looks great in orange, as well! But I do like the first picture - his eyes look awesome!
Zoom! all I keep thinking about are those Mazda commericals...zoom, zoom, zoom! :)
I wish we could go to Target's together - maybe one day soon? What great clothes Calder - Daddy has good taste! You DO look good in orange! - so cute! LOVE YOU
ReplyDeleteLove Grandma xoxox