Monday, March 12, 2007

Great-Grandma's Birthday

On Saturday Gary, Calder and I went to celebrate Calder's Great-Grandma's 92nd Birthday. There were about 17 people there and I think Calder was a tad overwhelmed at first. So many people wanted to see him and hold him.

One person that got his attention was his cousin, Jack - almost 4 years old and already a little teacher. Calder was so intrigued by him and a smile was often seen on his face in Jack's company, while he was shown cars that he could play with.

Calder was also awe-struck by balloons. He's currently fascinated by a helium balloon on a stick that I have in his bedroom (from my baby shower) but this time, he got to hold a balloon on a ribbon and had tons of fun. You should see the look of concentration on his face!

I think that Calder's Great-Grandma had a great time. There was wonderful company, wonderful food - all for a wonderful and special lady. I love you, Grandma!

1 comment:

  1. Calder is so lucky to have a Great-Grandma! It sounds like you had a fun time at the party!

    Oh - and I love the family picture. Too precious! I keep telling Ron we must have more taken. We only have one from when Rachel was 2 weeks old! lol

    Great pictures, as usual, Elizabeth!
