Monday, March 12, 2007

Happy Birthday, Gary!!

Well today is Gary's 34th birthday. Yay! Happy Birthday!!

Yesterday we had family over - Gary's parents and my mom and sister - to celebrate this momentous occasion. We ate munchies, enjoyed Calder and even played a game - Tribond. It was Gary's parents' first time playing this game and I think they had fun! After much devouring of appetizers it was time for the cake. Gary has been not-so-subtly hinting for about 2 months now that he wanted a Dairy Queen cake so that's what he got. :) I think he reeeeeeeally enjoyed it. Calder was quite fascinated by the candles, but I think more confused by everybody singing (Happy Birthday) at the same time.

Today Calder and I woke up Gary by singing Happy Birthday again (ok, it was only me singing) and later in the day headed out for an all-you-can-eat sushi lunch. YUM! Gary has yet to receive his presents, but I think he will like the one from Calder! We're about to go on a family walk soon, it's fairly nice out - but I wanted to add one more thing....for his daddy's birthday, Calder surprised him with quite a sight:

Yep, he stood up in his playpen!

And guess what I saw when I came in to get him from bed this morning?!

Little munchkin has been doing this non-stop all day now. :)

Happy Birthday, Gary! Calder and I love you so very much!


  1. OMG!!! Way to go Calder!!! I can't believe he's standing up now! Holy crap in your shorts - it's going to get mighty interesting around your house now :)

    My first thought for this comment was to wish Gary a Happy Birthday but honestly, if you would have seen the look on my face when I saw the pics of Calder standing up, you'd understand why I had to start with 'OMG' because that's what literally came out of my mouth! : )

    I hope Gary had a wonderful birthday - it certainly looks like he did. And I bet that cake was delicious. Now I want one! ha ha


  2. Hi Calder!

    Look at you standing up. It's the best because there is so much more to see. Sorry that I have not been posting much, but mommy says the internet is very expensive here in Italy. I think of you all the time though and can't wait to play.

    Ciao Bello,

