Sorry there hasn't been a post in a week - it's been busy and I haven't even taken any new pictures this week. So, I'll just do a quick blurb and post some not-so-recent pictures, for those of you that might be going through Calder withdrawal.

Not much new here - Calder is still pulling himself up to stand everywhere, and I mean everywhere. He tried a few days ago to pull himself up against a wall. Well imagine rock climbing against a sheer face of rock. Pretty difficult. Calder got about half-way up and then boom. He fell down and hit his head. I can imagine this is the first of many but Calder (and I) found it quite distressful. He certainly is adventurous. As many of you can imagine I already have my hands full. I can only imagine how this will continue to change over the coming months as he continues to progress in his development.
On Tuesday Calder and I managed to go for a walk along the Ajax waterfront with a friend from our Babyville sessions. It was a bit nippy out with the lake right there, but for those of you that know me well, I didn't need a hat or mitts! Hee hee! Calder seemed to enjoy himself for the walk, which was about an hour and a half, until the very end when he started to get hungry. We went out for a walk again later, around 4, with Finn - and it was even more beautiful. Kids were playing in the park in t-shirts! Well, I think that's pushing it a bit, but it
was beautiful out. Calder, in spite of the bright sun, enjoyed being able to look out of his 'big' stroller without having to look through the plastic that normally covers him to protect him from the wind, and soon dropped off to sleep. Ah, what a life. :)
On another note, we
finally got our new couch on Friday morning, bright and early at 7:30. Fine by me! After a 3 1/2 month wait we were glad to get it. Once we unpacked it late Friday night, we were sad to discover a rip in the fabric underneath the couch, as well as part of the metal frame sticking out of the fabric on the side of the couch. We are not returning it, after the ordeal we went through, but needless to say, we will be sending pictures of these faults along with a complaint. That's just not acceptable. I wouldn't recommend this company to anyone.

It certainly is nice to have a couch to sit on, instead of our old futon. Oh, the futon still has a place in the family room, to fill some space, but the couch is where we are now. I forgot it was so large - it fits in the space, but it does make our family room look a bit smaller. Well, I'll say it looks cozier. :) It can have a bit of an olive tinge to it - but is called 'Cityscape Taupe'.
Friday night Gary, myself and Calder had a late night. One of Gary's old highschool friends Khurram and his wife Melanie (we went to their wedding in the summer) were in town visiting from their home in Oregon so we went out to go see them at a restaurant at Yonge and Eglinton.

We got there a little later than we had hoped, but what with Gary getting home after 7, the dog needing a walk, Calder needing to eat before we left, we didn't get there till past 9 pm. We were kind of half-expecting Calder to do well there, but not as well as he did. There was fairly loud music there, lots of people, and it was dimly lit. Not the kind of place babies usually go, but as the waitress said, not many babies come there - but of them all - Calder was the best behaved. :) He seemed to enjoy himself thoroughly and was fascinated by the hanging pendant lights. Gary and I enjoyed ourselves too, and were glad to get the chance to see Khurram and Melanie again, and for them to meet Calder (last time we saw them he was in my belly still!). We also saw JP and Denny there, two old friends of Gary's.
Thankfully, Calder fell asleep in the car on that snowy ride home and when we got home it was 12:10 am - but thankfully again, Calder was easily transferred to his bed. He slept till 5 am when he needed a bottle, which is fine by me, considering he had such a stimulating evening.
Yesterday (Saturday) Gary got a belated birthday visit from his Brother, sister-in-law, and niece and nephew, Olivia and Peter. Calder again thoroughly enjoyed himself in his cousins' prescence - they entertained him to no end! After they left, after some pizza and cake, Calder had a lovely 2-hour nap. Yay!

Today we are off to Dim Sum (or Dum Sum as my Grandmother calls it). My Grandmother just loves the stuff, as do we - and I think we are all looking forward to our favourite dish, shrimp rolls, yum. Hopefully the restaurant has a high chair for Calder, because he is not one to sit contently in his car seat any longer.
Well, I see this is a long enough blog, so I will sign off. I hope everyone has a wonderful week!!!
YAY - a post :)
ReplyDeleteMy goodness you guys are busy - always on the go!! No wonder Calder is like that, too! LOL
Isn't it great to have a good baby? Just makes your life so much easier! :)
Hopefully you're enjoying some sunshine today!
Thanks for the Calder fix! lol