I am just back a short while ago from 'Stars and Strollers' with Calder and our Babyville friend and I am TIRED. You would think that watching a movie (it was Premonition - a good movie - interesting, to say the least!) would be somewhat relaxing. Well try doing that with an active almost 7-month old. I don't know - the first time we went, it was great - he fell asleep an hour into the movie and it was wonderful. This time, like the last time, he was AWAKE THE ENTIRE TIME and wanting to move around. ArGh. I know he was tired at one point, but my efforts to put him to sleep in my arms were greeted with screams so loud people turned around to look. So, needless to say, he's sleeping now (of course, as soon as I got him in the car he fell asleep) and I should be (wish I was) napping, too - but free time is free time, so I have to pick and choose what I want to do with it.
Anyway, I am going to try not to write so much. Partly because I don't think people want to read a novel (if you guys out there read this, that is! lol) and partly because I am just too darn tired. :)
Yesterday we went and finally had a visit with my dear friend Joanna and her adorable son, Scott. If you don't remember, Joanna had Scott one week before I had Calder!
Her two other munchkins, Brandon and Ethan were off at school until a bit later in my visit. It was so nice to see Jo again and it was great to see Calder and Scott interact. Calder's a bit more mobile than Scott (he like to take it all in) so I think Calder's actions were a bit daunting. I only wonder what Scott was thinking when Calder clamoured all over him in this picture.
Calder tried his hand (with the help of Joanna) at riding a bike for the first time! Doesn't he look cute! :)
Here's a picture of Jo's three boys and Calder. What a handsome bunch of boys they are!
Here is a picture of Scott and Calder holding hands. They're already fast friends! Probably when they are older they will say to us moms - "eeewwww....gross, Mom!" but right now, it's cute! :p
Thanks so much, Joanna - for having us over. Calder thoroughly enjoyed playing with Scott again - but maybe even more the plethora of toys you have! :) It was so nice seeing you again and catching up on us and motherhood. :)
A few days ago I thought, I am getting bored of just feeding Calder vegetables as new foods. Maybe he is, too! So I decided the other day to try bananas with him to see how he liked it. Well I don't quite know if he likes them or not - he eats them - but always the first spoon or two he has faces like these:
Here's a picture of Calder and I (I am the photographer, pretty much the only way to get me in a photo with him!) and my new haircut. Woohoo it's short, but it's nice for Spring! Calder likes it, too - he doesn't pull my hair anymore, it's short enough to actually caress it! Ahhh, says Mommy. My head was starting to hurt.
These two are pics I couldn't resist posting - one day earlier this week when it was quite chilly out for our daily walk with Finn I bundled Calder up in his snowsuit (a great hand-me down from my cousin Sam!) and he wasn't too impressed. Oh, he's been in it before, but I think because he is so immobile in it, he gets frustrated. All he could do was just lie there, and if you've seen Calder in action recently, Calder just doesn't lie there. Even when he's going to sleep! The full body shot one also reminds me of that little kid in one of my favourite movies 'A Christmas Story' where his mom bundles him up so much that he can't put his arms down at his side, and when he falls down, all he could do was roll from side to side screaming "I..can't..get...up!!" Hee hee.
This final photo I also couldn't resist posting (and taking)! We were out on Monday, Calder and I, for a mall walk since it was so cold. We went into The Children's Place to browse and I tried the most adorable hat on Calder. I didn't buy it, because it was size 12 months, and with Calder's head being in the 90th percentile for head size, it already was a snug fit. He doesn't seem to like hats anyway - his new thing is taking off his winter hat, whenever and where ever - but he stayed still long enough for me to snap this with my camera phone.

Have a wonderful weekend, everyone! Friday is almost upon us!
I love, love, love your hair! It looks fantastic!!!
ReplyDeleteAs usual, you guys have been super busy! And I can only imagine how much crazier things will get once the nice weather arrives. Instead of you taking Calder for walks, he'll be taking YOU for one! lol
Have a great weekend!!!!
Julie & Rachel
Hi Mr. Calder!
ReplyDeleteI am glad you had an eventful and fun time with Scott,Ethan and Brandon! I am sure they kept you very entertained, especially with all their different toys :) You look so cute on the tricycle...You just want to grow up too fast don't you?! I can't wait for the summer where we can spend time outdoors with Finn, swimming, maybe even visiting Centre Island?! So gear up Calder! I love you soo much!
Auntie Colleen xo
Calder - you are ONE of the bright spots in my life - everytime I look at your beautiful face - it makes me sooooooooo happy! - Love always your Grandma Parkes xoxox